Dr. Susan Holtzman, PhD

Associate Professor
Psychology Department

Office: ASC 283
University of British Columbia Okanagan
3187 University Way, Kelowna, BC
Canada V1V 1V7

Phone: 250.807.8730
Email: susan.holtzman@ubc.ca

Dr. Susan Holtzman is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus where she leads the Health Psychology Lab.  Dr. Holtzman is also a registered psychologist and offers clinical training in the psychological assessment and treatment of chronic pain.  Broadly speaking, Dr. Holtzman’s research aims to understand the pathways through which social relationships contribute to better health and wellbeing.  She is particularly interested in harnessing the power of digitally-mediated communication (e.g., texting, social media, mHealth apps) to improve access to social support for young adults, and those living with chronic health conditions, such as chronic pain. 

She has published over 40 research articles and her work has been cited in the academic literature over 3800 times. She regularly shares her findings at top national and international conferences and has been featured in popular media outlets, such as CBC news and Time magazine. Her research is team-based and involves close collaboration with health care providers, local non-profit agencies, and eHealth industry partners. Dr. Holtzman’s program of research has been supported by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Michael Smith Foundation of British Columbia, and the National Institutes of Health.

For more information about Dr. Holtzman please follow this link to her faculty page: https://psych.ok.ubc.ca/about/contact/susan-holtzman/